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I'm Interested in growing a Forest
Home: Welcome

The Problem

Stress, pollution and pandemic leading to an unhealthy environment to live in city.


The Solution

Forest Bathing.

Forest bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in nature in a mindful way, using your senses to derive a whole range of benefits for your physical, mental, emotional, and social health. It is also known as Shinrin-yoku. ‘Shinrin’ means forest and ‘Yoku’ stands for bathing. The idea took birth in Japan in the 1980’s and proved to be a very effective tool to overcome the ill effects of a hectic life and stressful work environment.


What is Kuteeram

Kuteeram has a unique vision to achieve financial growth and well being through Nature. 
Corona has taught us the importance of Health and well being and the importance of the connection with Nature.
At Kuteeram we are setting up a permaculture food forest to achieve that connection. 

Setting up a food forest is a tedious task. It is time and resource intensive and cant be done in small pieces of land like 1 or 2 Acres.  

At Kuteeram we are trying to create a collective and centrally manage the operations so that we can achieve better results with higher efficiency to achieve our goals.

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Before Permaculture

What is Permaculture ?

Permaculture literally means Permanent Agriculture. It is a natural design system which creates sustainable, productive and harmonious ways of living by making optimal use of available resources.

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After Permaculture

What is the difference between Farm and Forest ?
Forest is a large area of land Where different varieties of trees and Different varieties of plants trees are grown Independently with least maintenance. Farm is a large area where one or two special crops or trees are grown with the help of Irrigation.

Bridge the Gap

Plot No. 136/A, Motinagar, Hyderabad 500018


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